Tech N9ne Addresses Police Complaints, Big Scoob and More In Interview With The Source

May 30 2014


One noise complaint (or in this case, 70 of them) don’t stop the show when you’re Tech N9ne.

In an interview with The Source, Tech N9ne responded to the fact that a recent show on the Independent Grind tour 2014 received a hailstorm of complaints from surrounding residences.

What did Tech N9ne have to say to the controversy? Read below…

The Source:Recently on your tour you stopped in Lewiston, Idaho for a show where your performance received more than 70 police complaints coming from as far away as a mile and one resident saying “It was like an X-rated movie, only audible”. What’s your reaction to a situation like that?

Tech N9ne: My reaction is that if it really was like an X-rated movie but audible, I would not get booked for shows. If you move into a neighborhood surrounding fairgrounds where they’re performing concerts, you have to be ready for what comes with it, you know what I mean? When they ask for Tech N9ne, they’re going to get Tech N9ne. Your not going to come to me 5 minutes before the show right before we go onstage and say we can’t cuss, we rehearse these songs like “Whose got this mother fuckin house on lock, Einstein; Tech N9ne.” I’m not changing that last minute. You can tell me before we start the tour so we can have a clean show for those places. They’re not going to fuckin dictate what I fuckin say. If the promoter says its OK, then we got it, that’s the promoters problem.

Tech also addresses the Big Scoob’s rap career and much more!

Click here to read the entire interview.




  • Would you let your kids go to a Tech N9ne concert?

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