In “All Day All Night”, Tech delivers one of his most heartfelt tracks on the Bad Season mixtape. Produced by Cookin Soul, the beat rides with a smooth synth placed over a heavy and head nod-inducing drum pattern. The premise of the song is something Tech has been living with since his fame took off. Tech explains the level of difficulty that it is to be a famous public figure, constantly recognized at the mall, movies, or restaurants. This is like no other job: Tech N9ne has to always be on. Even so, Tech has no problem being who he is because his life is like no other.
He raps about his encounters with fans:
“Hey, they even find me up in Wal-Mart
and give me coochie coupons, sexy mamas be all heart
even at the Mandalay Bay, I’m off in the mall part
chicks lookin for me, patrolling the area like Paul Blart”
Krizz Kaliko joins Tech on this standout performance with an infectious chorus that cements the message of what it’s like to be Tech N9ne:
“This ain’t nothin like a nine to five
a superstar now, its your life
married to it like it’s my wife
I gotta be Tech N9ne
All day, all night”
Tech first touched upon this matter in an exclusive interview. Perhaps, that interview struck a nerve and inspired this track for Bad Season. Either way, all fans should be familiar with Tech’s loyalty to his supporters. He doesn’t mind being Tech for all of them, even if it is “All Day All Night”. Click here to download Bad Season.