Stevie Stone, the gravely-voiced MC from Columbia, MO and one of Strange Music’s latest signees, is currently working on his album Rolling Stone, set to be released in the Spring of 2012. In between the detailed and highly-involved studio sessions we were able to catch up with Stevie to talk about his work on Welcome To Strangeland. Stevie shared with us the meaning behind the song “Come Dirty” (pretty simple actually) and details behind what could be the album’s most moving song.
How many tracks did you contribute towards on Welcome To Strangeland?
Two: a joint called “Come Dirty”, me, Tech, and Young Bleed and “EMJ: Emotional Musical Journey”, I’m on that one also.
Let’s start with “Come Dirty”. How did you get approached to do the song? Does Tech say “I want you on this”?
Yeah. We were actually on the All 6’s and 7’s tour–him and Kaliko were scouting out the beats and everything. I actually came over there and him and Kaliko were like “I hear you on this” and it was the joint “Won’t You Come Dirty”. The point of that song is pretty much just “Come Dirty!” you know what I’m saying? It’s talking about you and a female in the bedroom, you know what I’m saying? Don’t bring this goodie goodie around me, come dirty when you come.
There’s this famous Woody Allen quote in which he says “sex is only dirty when it’s done right.” What do you think about that?
Himmi Hyme like a motherfucker! (Laughs)
Tell me about EMJ.
EMJ was the guy that actually passed away on the All 6’s And 7’s Tour. Tech and Krizz Kaliko came and I believe Makzilla came with this crazy hook just to honor and keep his memory alive. We pretty much got everyone on it that was on the tour: I’m on there, Tech, Mayday, of course Jay Rock, and I think Mak also is on there. It’s going to be a really good record.
From everything I’ve heard about this guy: he was just the nicest guy, a family man, basically the last person that deserved how he went out. What can you tell me about EMJ?
It’s like you said. He always smiled and he was just so thankful to be out there on the road. That’s how he took it: he looked at it as a blessing and just cherished the moment. It was his break. He had been doing it for a minute and this was his chance to get out there and go from city to city. He was living his dream…and it was cut short.
Can you describe what you feel physically when you adjust to a mood for a song like that?
On a record like that you really have to get in-depth. You have to put yourself in that mainframe. You go back to memories. It was definitely a hard record to write I’m pretty sure for everybody, but after I heard the hook it was so easy to go there with it. My approach on the record, I just explained my last few hours with him, from when we woke up in the morning and we hopped off the bus and went to Awful Awful Burger, went to the casino, did the show. I just went through my last seven hours with him–summed up in eight bars so it was really hard to do. I actually had to do another record for my own album because there was so much I had to say about that topic. It makes a complete story because everybody only had eight bars to speak on a different experience but it all blends together perfectly.
Stay tuned for more from Stevie Stone as he describes the production and artistic process behind the making of his Strange Music debut album, Rolling Stone!
Click here to pre-order Welcome To Strangeland.