DOPE: Bernz Talks Life, Music, Future Solo Album, and ‘Believers’ With The Source

Jul 19 2013

What else would you expect from a group as intelligent as ¡MAYDAY!?

Bernz talks about everything from life to music to the latest ¡MAYDAY! album Believers in this fascinating interview with Niki Gatewood published in The Source.

Amongst the questions asked are Bernz’s feelings on the meaning of Believers, the growing pains of becoming an artist and in one of the ballsiest questions, his greatest confidence and apprehension in his relationship with Strange Music.

Bernz answers:

With Strange, the only apprehensions are the limitations due to its size. It’s an independent label. At the same time that’s part of the adventure. The positive thing about Strange is that they give us full creative control. Plus, they put us out here on the road in front of all these fans, you know. When it comes to being with this label, the pros will always outweigh the cons. Having been with other labels we’re really happy where we’re at.

Click here to read the entire interview.


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