Written By Tech N9ne: The History Of NNUTTHOWZE

Apr 10 2015

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The following is from Tech N9ne:

When we were sent home from LA back to KC after the summer of 93, we were bummed that we had lost our 1st record deal with Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis at Perspective A&M! So it was me, my brother at the time Dynomack, Buggin’ Los the extreme choreographer, and his dance partner Mark Hill standing outside the Wilkinson home, where me and Dyno had been staying for awhile with 3 Godly women that took our nomad asses in for some wonderful reason in a nice home right off 78th and Troost. Us four were outside in a small huddle talkin about how its fucked up that the label didn’t understand us, ’cause they thought we were weird, and didn’t know what to do with us cause I had the name of a gun etc etc.

So, all of a sudden Mark Hill decided to quote some Cheech and Chong movie and say, “Man, they can’t do anything to you, you’re in the NUT HOUSE now man.” I looked up and said WTF? NUT HOUSE! Thats it!

So I called my best friend Brian “B’zle” Dennis immediately and said, “Bro, I’m gonna start a group called NNUTTHOWZE!” Brian was just as crazy as us so he loved the idea. We were the HOWZE of New Narcotical UnTameable Techniques! When I say we, I mean myself, Dynomack, Dj.Icy Roc, Zkeirdcrow from the KCK side and two female MCs Agginy and my wonderful Muslim relative Phlaque The Grimstress.

NNUTTHOWZE! 6688846993! Circa 94′. I got 6688846993 from the communication device, (the phone) cause we would communicate thru song. On your keypad of your phone the numbers spell out NNUTTHOWZE! Yeah, I had too much time on my hands, but it was a beautiful idea. Tech N9ne was the floor plan that got us our 1st major deal but NNUTTHOWZE would be the FURY of us losing our deal. If the majors wanted their artists well-groomed, we fucked our hair up! If they wanted clean records for radio, we said “fuck” in everything! If they wanted clean, fresh new clothes like Cross Colours and Karl Kani, we went and found factories that sold worn workman’s gear, just to do the exact opposite of the industry that spit us out! We found shit like Ford jumpsuits, UPS outfits, etc. etc., representing the hard-working men and women. Eventually those get ups turned into Dickies still representing the blue collar workers, but in my favorite colors, red, white and black! After visiting the factories so much, I noticed these solid-color jumpsuits, and they came in all 3 of my favorite colors, so we immediately switched from the Dickies to the solid jumpsuits and Brian put the Barcode on the back of them from my 1st tattoo I got on my neck as a teen years before. The barcode instead of just Tech N9ne now would symbolize property of NNUTTHOWZE.

We did shows in our region for awhile in these fits, till sometime in ’98 or ’99 my engineer at the time Richie at Westend studios gave me a burnt CD cause he knew how much I love Rock music as well as Hip Hop. The CD was the Slipknot LP with “Wait and Bleed”, “Before I Forget”, “People = Shit”, etc. etc. I fuckin fell in love with this shit, but as I learned more about the group I found that they wear the jumpsuits with the FUCKING BARCODE ON THE BACK AND EVERYTHING! They were so fuckin dope that I had to call a meeting of the psychos to say, “We gotta change the fuckin jumpsuits,” and my barcode from my neck tat, thats still there by the way, but had to be removed from the jumpsuits cause I knew this Slipknot group was gonna take the fuck off! I was right! Ha ha.

Since we were NNUTTHOWZE, it was only right for us to switch to Hospital scrubs, symbolizing the ones that needed to be hospitalized, or institutionalized, or something, cause we were all really fucked up mentally in some way. Icy Roc was the Manic Depressive type and still is to this day, Dyno was a kleptomaniac, Zkeirdcrow had serious anger issues, B’zle was a quiet, nice, super soft-spoken lover of the band Rush that toted a gun and was a secret ticking time bomb, Phlaque was a militant Muslim that would fight a bitch or a big nigga in a second if they got outta line, Agginy was Schizophrenic, and I have always been the guy who was all the way to the left mentally and do anything and almost die for the pussy, girl-crazy mother fucker! NNUTTHOWZE for real! Masterminded by Brian B’zle Dennis.

Jumping up some years after the release of ANGHELLIC, we lost Icy Roc due to the label JCOR going bankrupt. Then we partnered with MSC for Anghellic: Reparation and they never paid out either. They kept all the money the album made claiming we owed millions to them. So me, all the producers on the album, and the sample clearances never got paid. Icy Roc felt like everyone but him got paid and we at Strange fucked him over, so he stopped doing music for me. Phlaque fell in love with Roc and moved in with him later making them enemies so she moved on and became a mommy. Zkeirdcrow thought I was fucking his girl, this whole psycho journey of ours, so we fell out but got back kool recently. I later got Dynomack a job at my Strange Music, but he fucked it up somehow with Trav due to some fraudulent check shit I’m not too clear on and is currently texting light weight death threats to my phone and telling mutual friends I owe him a million dollars. Agginy and I finally had sex after all those years and we had a boy, but we fell out because she started doing music with my enemy at the time Vell Bacardi, dissin me on his albums cause after we had sex we agreed it was an accident and tried to carry on doing music, but every time I would come to practice she would see me, run in the bathroom and cry! My relative Phlaque would be there shaking her head at me saying, “You fucked up Donny!” After this happened a few more times trying to practice I told Agginy she was well-known, so she didnt need me any more, so do your own thing. She was in love with me so that hurt her making her rap with Vell and dissing me.

Time passes and I no longer see my NNUTTHOWZE members till one day I see Agg at the Hypermart shopping and she’s pregnant as fuck! My heart goes up in my throat when she passes me, laughs and says,”Yeah mutha fucka.” I almost shit on myself. Word around town was she was saying it was mine, but my idiot friends were in my ear like, “Nigga thats Vell’s baby,” causing my dumb ass to ask for a blood test after she had the baby. Test read 99.99%. So we ended up having a beautiful baby boy that currently lives with me due to his mom’s Schizophrenia, and I love him to death and he is to die for, but it really hurt my girl Lecoya Lejeune who later became my wife cause we had our 1st girl Alyia 2 months before I had Dontez with Agginy. Worst moment right there cause I had 2 babies at the same time, had no job, no money, and my only food was when coya would bring it from her job at Kingswood Manor and the Black Eyed Pea restaurant.

To close this soliloquy I recorded “Mitch Bade” for Dyamund Shields and Don Juan’s label Midwestside Records landing a deal with Quincy Jones, that reached Travis O’Guin, we started a partnership called Strange Music that is the #1 independent label in the world and I am the survivor of one of the world’s craziest groups that never got to put out any music and only was seen by a handful of colleges, NNUTTHOWZE! I lost my best friend Brian B’zle Dennis to a crime of passion by a lady’s ex-husband who shot Brian, her, and himself, so in the name of B’ZLE I will rep this 6688846993 till the death of me! NNUTTHOWZE FOREVER! Type it in on your key pad. It taught me to think different then, all the way to 2015 and beyond! Saved my life! T9!

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