Although Prozak’s much-anticipated Paranormal is set to be released this Tuesday, April 24, the rave reviews have already started to surface. leads the pack with their review of Paranormal, giving Prozak’s follow up to Tales From The Sick a perfect 5/5 rating.
The review then highlights the songs throughout the album, pointing out the sonic characteristics and themes of the tracks. “Tell A Tale Of Two Hearts” is a “sick love story”, “F*ck You” is an address to the haters that want to see the downfall of the underground and “Wake Up You’re Dead” is a new hatchet-anthem, guaranteed to induce the mosh pits that Prozak is famous for.
To follow Tales From The Sick with another classic just goes to show Prozak’s elite status as an artist and emcee. Paranormal drops this Tuesday. Prepare yourself for an otherworldly experience.
Click here to read the review.