‘4.5/5’ – ¡MAYDAY!’s ‘Believers’ Gets Incredibly Bad Ass Review From DJBooth.net

Jul 22 2013

It’s been out for about a week but that’s no reason to stop listening, dissecting and talking about ¡MAYDAY!’s Believers. As the case usually is with a ¡MAYDAY! album, it gets better with every listen (Believers may of just came out, but we still can’t stop listening to Take Me To Your Leader).

The awesome people down at DJBooth.net threw in their two cents in regards to ¡MAYDAY!’s second album under the Snake and Bat and the conclusion is one that should not be ignored: this is one of the best albums of the year.


From their assault rifle approach and battle ready beats to their mellowed out hooks and deeply emotional content, ¡MAYDAY! runs the musical gamut on Believers. In spite of its minimal missteps, the end result is one of 2013’s finest releases. The war reporter is a crucial umbilical that connects the realities of a war to the people, and ¡MAYDAY! and the music they put out serves the same purpose for all the Believers in the world.

Click here to read the full review.


¡MAYDAY! - Believers

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